
Explore our 3d prints

Step into our virtual gallery and discover a world of creativity. Browse our curated selection of 3D printed creations, from toys to cosplay pieces, each showcasing our passion for pushing the boundaries of imagination. Be inspired by the endless possibilities of 3D printing.

Our Goals for the Future

At FP, we are constantly striving to elevate our brand and expand our offerings. Our future goals include increasing brand awareness and enhancing the look of the FP brand. We plan to achieve this by investing in state-of-the-art equipment, to provide a wider range of products and accessories. With these initiatives, we aim to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation and providing our customers with even more creative possibilities.

Get in touch

Got a question or want to learn more about our services? We’re here to help! Fill out the form below, drop us an email at, or give us a message through our social channels. We look forward to hearing from you!

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